Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thomas à Kempis

Thomas à Kempis was a Catholic monk who lived in the 15th Century. He is probably best known by his writing The Imitation of Christ an excellent document on devotion and full of adoration for Christ. If you are familiar with the book True Devotion to Mary from St Louis Grignion de Montfort you certainly will be familiar with this book or phrases of it. He also copied the Bible at least four times. When you imagine this had to be done by hand it's quite an achievement.

What i didn't know and just stumbled upon was that the good man lived here not even 50 miles from where i'm living. What a small world! It keeps amazing me that you constantly discover things about the things you are reading and doing. And often answering those questions you were thinking of that day. Without searching, just going about the days business. Sometimes you pray and try so hard to get an answer and then suddenly it shows up. But sometimes one has to pay attention.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim,
    The "Imitation of Christ" is considered the manual of the Saints, since so many Saints have read and recommended it. St Therese the "Little Flower" speaks of it often in her autobiography "Story of a Soul" is said that she knew much of it by heart, and could actually quote large sections of it.
    Thomas a Kempis, pray for us!

    -Glenn Dallaire
